I am 1 day away from completing week 13. The smell issue has not gotten better. I am battleing it with strong flavors of gum, candy, and juice. Hmm.. let me recap the missing weeks, if I can remember them.
So Joe drove to Bullhead, AZ to take his National Registry renewal test a few weeks ago. The earliest one in Vegas was mid-July so he found another option. He passed (of course) and when he got his card in the mail he went to the Clark county office and got his local cards. Yeay! He interviewed with the Palazzo back at the end of May and they had been checking with him periodically to see if he had been able to get his National certification renewed. They put him thourgh background check right after the interview so I new they wanted to hire him. Joe had to jump through so many hoops to get all this stuff done... it was crazy. Anyway, in the beginning of June he moved in and a week later he started his class for EMT Intermediate. That class needed him to get a uniform and a bunch of shots. I don't like needles. This week his class started live IVs on eachother. Creepy! His hand was all swollen and now his knuckles are bruised.
My friends Mark and Serena are getting married tomorrow. Joe and I are watching their sugar gliders while they are on their honeymoon. My mom is watching their rabbit. I am so glad she was willing to do that for me. I didn't have room for the rabbit unless I took over the bathroom Joe has claimed. The transport of the animals was a harrowing experience. The smell of the cages in the confined space of my car was rediculous. The furballs and the rabbit were transported on two different days so I had to go through the whole thing of driving across town trapped with smelly animals twice in one week. Mark is picking up the animals from me and my mom. I will not ride with them again. When we were putting up the cage and trying to get the sugar gliders in Joe said we will never watch exotic pets again, "just say no". But after they were up and around, he started palying with them and I think he fell in love. They are really cute but the smell of the cage is too much for me most mornings.
My stomach is definitely bumpy. I bought these things called the Bella Band so I could wear my pants longer. I wear them unzipped. Check out the website to see how they work... so far its been great: http://www.ingridandisabel.com/ I think Heather is going to borrow one to see if it will work for her pant issues while she is still healing from her surgery. I will need to buy new cloths soon though. I cant zip up my pants very far anymore at all. I have been between 155-156 lbs for weeks and the last two days I have weighed in at 158 lbs. My main concern is a bra. I still have not gotten a new one and I am desperate. My cups literally overflow. Its crazy.
The quest for gender is stil on. Dad calls everytime he, or Bruce and Patty, finds something cute for a baby. Everyone except for Gary is voting girl. I'm starting to think that Gary might be disappointed. Who knows? Could be a boy. Our next doctors appointment is a week from today. Joe and I decided we would ask the doctor when we could find out the gender. We have no ideas for names yet.
So, everyone knows except for Joe's mom and the swing dance people (because I have been too tired to go out so I haven't seen them in a while). Joe's mom is a tricky situation. She seems to get angry easily and when she heard that Joe had moved here she wouldn't see him. That makes it hard to tell her about the minihuman. But I'm sure she will find out. Especially since everyone in our families know except her. Joe's family really confuses me. They don't seem to operate the way most families do. Actually, it seems like a lot of the conflict stems from his mom and oddly enough his brother seems to jump on the bandwagon. I'm not sure what that is about because I knew him before and he was fun to be around. His entire attitude changes when he addresses Joe and it seems like he is trying to put him down. Not supportive at all. I am so thankful for my crazy family. We may be odd, and family members might disagree with things the other family members do but we always let them know we love them and stand by them if they are doing something that makes them happy. Even if someone screws up majorly, we can't just dismiss them. They are our family. They are my family. I'm glad Joe seems more like my family than his. His cousins are cool though.
This week is the men's international competition in Nashville and I can't even watch the webcast because I am at work. Lame! I will be at the one next year in Anaheim. Its so close... how could I miss it! I will have to save up though because I am planning on going to Nashville next year for the womens international!
Alright thats enough for today. :)
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